Achieving results in real estate requires a disciplined, comprehensive approach. The Formula Series™ programs are a comprehensive toolset that recognizes that success achieving your home buying and selling objectives should flow from the process employed by the real estate professional, not by an informal flow of events entirely dependent on the time and talents of your Realtor ®.
The Formula Series™ programs are disciplined, structured, step-by-step tools that provide a framework for the buyer/seller client to work directly with his or her EquityPoint real estate advisor. The tools are designed to place the client and the client’s objectives at the center of the process and to allow the advisor to bring leadership, relationship, and creativity to the task of meeting the clients needs. By providing a structured framework for the joint work of the client and advisor, The Formula Series™ toolset creates a systematic vehicle for the experience of the advisor to be engaged to address the needs of the client.
If you’re looking for a structured, professional, and comprehensive solution to achieving your home purchasing or home selling needs, please contact us. We’ll introduce you to the appropriate program from within The Formula Series™ toolset and give you an overview of how a systematic approach can give you the results you are seeking.